Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Erklärfilm Erstellung. und Erklärvideo Produktion

Berliner Videoproduktion erstellt für Ihr Unternehmen Erklärfilm , Erklärfilmvideo und Lehrfilme.

Erklärfilm Erstellung

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Benefits of Oil Pulling. with Coconut Oil Swish®

Excellent for Teeth Whitening, Dry Mouth, & Oral Detox - Helps Resolve Bad Breath and Removes Tea & Coffee Stains on Teeth
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Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Binary Options Trading. – Bollinger Bands – Binary Options

Binary Options Trading – Bollinger Bands – Binary Options
Trade for FREE on DEMO Account -

During binary options trading - Bollinger bands are an effective and easy indicator of technical analysis to create a binary options strategy and trade binary options.
Bollinger bands are a technical binary options indicator that can help you evaluate whether the current market price of an asset is high or low and how far this asset’s price can move while binary options trading.

For this purpose, Bollinger bands create a price channel that consists of three lines: a middle line, an upper limit, and a lower limit. Bollinger bands predict that the market will stay within the upper and lower extreme while trading binary options. Whether the market is currently trading above the middle line can tell you whether the asset is in an uptrend or a downtrend in binary options.

There are plenty of ways in which you can use Bollinger bands for your binary options trading, either by trading them in binary options directly or indirectly.

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Thursday, 22 December 2016

Embarazo Múltiple.: Es posible programar un embarazo de mellizos o gemelos

Diferencias entre el embarazo de mellizos y gemelos
Aunque es bastante habitual para la población en general confundir ambos términos, desde el punto de vista médico, la diferencia entre mellizos y gemelos no puede pasar desapercibida, ya que la gestación de unos y otros se produce de forma totalmente distinta.

mellizos o gemelos

El embarazo de gemelos tiene lugar cuando un óvulo fecundado por un espermatozoide forma un cigoto, el cual se divide posteriormente, dando lugar al desarrollo de dos fetos distintos pero que comparten el mismo material genético.
El embarazo de mellizos se produce a través de la fecundación de dos óvulos y dos espermatozoides distintos, es decir cada uno de ellos es resultado de un embrión distinto, con la particularidad de que coinciden en el interior de la madre en el mismo periodo de tiempo, pero sus similitudes no van más allá de las que podrían tener dos hermanos que hubiesen venido al mundo en partos distintos.
Otra diferencia significativa es que, en un embarazo de mellizos, cada uno de los dos fetos se desarrolla de forma independiente del otro, es decir, tiene su propia bolsa amniótica y su placenta.
Esto no siempre ocurre así en el embarazo de gemelos, ya que el modo en que se desarrollen depende de en qué momento se haya producido la división. Si es entre los días 1 y 4 tras la fecundación cuando este fenómeno tiene lugar, cada uno de los fetos se desarrollaría en su propia placenta y con su propia bolsa amniótica, al modo de los mellizos, pero si esta división sucede más tarde, entre los días 4 y 8 – lo que suele ser bastante más frecuente- los fetos tendrán su propia bolsa amniótica, pero compartirán una misma placenta.
Planificar un embarazo de mellizos o gemelos
Hay madres que desean planificar un embarazo de mellizos o gemelos, bien por la ilusión que les hace tener dos bebés iguales, o porque su planificación familiar incluye una familia con dos hijos y prefieren tenerlos en un solo parto.
Aunque ciertamente hay técnicas que pueden aumentar la posibilidad de que alguno de estos hechos ocurra, no existe un método infalible por el que se pueda garantizar este resultado. La implantación de más de un embrión mediante técnicas de reproducción asistida puede ayudar a que un embarazo múltiple tenga lugar, pero en ningún caso puede planificarse el nacimiento de gemelos o mellizos de una forma precisa.

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100+ Toys Christmas Giant Egg Surprise. Thomas Transformer MyPrincess Fun Funny Toys Review

Fun Funny Toys Review - Legendary Christmas Giant Egg Surprise was discovered. Watch how jing yang was transformed into Santa kid and defeated the naughty Batman trying to steal the magical power of Santa. Santa kid created lots of presents for his little Christmas party. Fun Christmas Party for kids, children play with many toys!

Huge toys collection, Transformer, Thomas the train, Thomas and friends Sky High Bridge Jump, Batman, superman, Disney's My First Princess Toddler, Pixar Lightning McQueen and many more.

Great video for children who love watching egg surprise and have fun with family and friends.

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Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Karma vs Zuckerberg

Amazing Karma acknowledges good deeds and exposes bad deeds, such as how Mark Zuckerberg acquired control of FaceBook. Please Mark, don't close our Amazing Karma FaceBook page.

Karma vs Zuckerberg

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Thursday, 15 December 2016

Ligadura de trompas. o Pomeroy ¿Es posible quedar en embarazo?

¿Es reversible una ligadura de trompas o Pomeroy?
Las circunstancias en la vida de una mujer cambian con el paso del tiempo, y no es extraño encontrarse con situaciones en las que, tras haberse realizado una ligadura de trompas o pomeroy, una mujer puede volver a quedar embarazada. Puede que haya encontrado una nueva pareja, o que el motivo por el que no quisiera tener hijos haya desaparecido.
Sin embargo, la ligadura de trompas se presenta, en principio, como irreversible, lo que genera una notable angustia en mujeres que cambian de opinión respecto a la maternidad tras haberse sometido a esta operación.
La pomeroy es irreversible en ocasiones, pero no siempre. Existe otra operación denominada reversión de la ligadura de trompas que puede conseguir que éstas vuelvan a ser funcionales tal y como lo eran inicialmente. Si esta operación se realiza en mujeres menores de 35 años puede ofrecer posibilidades de éxito elevadas.
Sin embargo, además de ser una operación que también conlleva ciertos riesgos, no siempre se consigue el objetivo. Si la trompa se ha extirpado, o como resultado de la pomeroy, ha quedado demasiado dañada, resulta imposible hacer esta reconstrucción.
Afortunadamente, incluso en casos en los que la ligadura de trompas no es reversible, la mujer que desea volver a quedar embarazada tiene opciones de lograrlo. No podrá hacerlo por procedimientos naturales, pero al menos, la posibilidad de volver a ser madre no queda descartada si se emplea la fecundación in vitro.
De hecho, la fecundación in vitro es la solución que más recomiendan los especialistas en fertilidad como solución a una situación como ésta, por delante de la reversión de ligadura de trompas, puesto que permite lograr la concepción sin que sea necesaria intervención quirúrgica de ningún tipo.
Para la fecundación in vitro se recoge una muestra de semen y los óvulos resultado de una estimulación ovárica. Una vez que óvulos y espermatozoides unidos generan embriones, y tras unos días en el laboratorio para seleccionar los de mayor calidad, el embrión elegido se transfiere al útero para que el proceso se culmine de forma natural.
La fecundación in vitro es un tratamiento que ofrece excelentes resultados, y que proporciona una alternativa a aquellas mujeres que habiéndose realizado una pomeroy o ligadura de trompas, no están en disposición de revertir el proceso con garantías de éxito.
En este video, el Doctor Rodrigo Henao Flórez, Médico Ginecólogo Especialista en Reproducción Humana del Instituto de Fertilidad Humana inSer amplía responde las preguntas más frecuentes sobre las posibilidades de quedar en embarazo después de una ligadura de trompas o pomeroy.
0:37 ¿Es posible quedar en embarazo después de una ligadura de trompas o pomeroy?
6:10 después de la ligadura de trompas, ¿cuánto tiempo y que proceso debe llevar a cabo una mujer para quedar embarazada?
9:17 Contáctese con inSer para saber cómo puede quedar en embarazo si ha tenido una cirugía de ligadura de trompas

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Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Binary Strategy. – Path to Million Day 3 - $8,385 – Binary Options – Expertoption

Binary Strategy – Path to Million Day 3 - $8,385 – Binary Options – Expertoption
Trade for FREE on DEMO Account -

Binary strategy - The Alligator is widely used in binary options, and you can also use it in Expertoption. It was developed by Bill Williams, the famous trader and author of a popular book Trading Chaos.
Using this binary strategy, you can know in time that the market broke out of the sideways, new trend presence and its direction in binary options. This helps you figure out the right market entry point using this binary strategy. When you plan trading on expertoption, you need to have in mind the public holiday calendar and the days the stock market is closed to catch the right moment in binary options. Binary strategy is based on the Alligator indicator showing three moving averages.

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Sunday, 11 December 2016

Best Dentist Las Vegas Dental Group Dentists Call (702) 323-0820

Best Dentist Las Vegas Dental Group Dentists Call (702) 323-0820

Hello Everybody I am James Smith Host of In This Corner
You know it seems like on every corner in Las Vegas you'll find a casino, a bar, a law firm, a beauty salon or a dentist well I'm not going to talk about the others but when it comes to my dentist my teeth my smile the only Corner you're going to find Smitty is right here at the corner of 2701 West Charleston Blvd and my friends at Las Vegas Dental Group.
They do it all at the Las Vegas Dental Group fillings, crowns, root canals, regular cleanings, they also specialize in cosmetic dentistry. Like so many claim but I'm here to tell you they actually do specialize in it.
I recently had a few teeth that like so many great fighters had gone through one too many wars. Fillings, crowns, root canals those teeth look like they needed retirement but the experts at the Las Vegas Dental Group said let's give it another round and go with dental implants. I'm glad that I did.
Hussell on down to 2701 West Charleston Boulevard and the Las Vegas Dental Group they will give you the smile of an all-time great!

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Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Facebook Girls Post Party Pics. - Stupidity Online 16

Girls get wild at a party and post it on facebook, along with other weird stupid stuff found across the internet.


Welcome To Stupidity Online Episode 16 ( facebook girls party pic )where we take a look at the stupidity on the internet. In every episode we commentate a variety of things such as:

1. Stupid and dumb Tweets
2. Stupid Facebook Posts
3. Cringe Videos
4. Social Media fails
5. Stupidity on the internet

Along with other stupidity we come across during the week. I upload a new video every saturday and will be having multiple series all based on the stupidity and idiots on the internet. Stupidity online is the first series of many.

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El embarazo y el cáncer. ¿Puedo quedar embarazada si tengo cáncer

¿Es seguro quedar en embarazo después de un tratamiento contra el cáncer?

Embarazo y cáncer

Esta es una de las principales preguntas que se hacen las mujeres que han superado un cáncer y tratan de retomar una vida normal, que incluye por ejemplo quedar en embarazo.
Sufrir cáncer es una experiencia traumática, tanto por la noticia en sí, como por el proceso que se desarrolla a continuación. Los tratamientos contra el cáncer como la quimioterapia o la radioterapia son muy invasivos y dejan importantes secuelas, algunas de las cuales afectan a la fertilidad y en consecuencia la posibilidad de quedar en embarazo.
Sin embargo, hay modos de evitar que esto suceda, y si la mujer y el equipo médico que la atiende toman las oportunas medidas, la posibilidad de quedar en embarazo una vez superado el cáncer es una realidad.
Pero la decisión de quedar en embarazo después de un cáncer no es sencilla. Por un lado, está el temor de que el niño pueda heredar la enfermedad. Se trata de un temor muy común, aunque no siempre fundado, ya que los porcentajes demuestran que esto es poco probable a no ser que se provenga de una familia con un largo historial de casos.
Y por otro, está la preocupación de que los medicamentos suministrados para estimular la función ovárica o los cambios hormonales que tienen lugar durante el embarazo puedan activar de nuevo la enfermedad y se produzca una recaída.
Las buenas noticias son que, de los estudios realizados hasta el momento, se deriva que no hay un mayor riesgo de volver a padecer cáncer por el hecho de someterse a un tratamiento de fertilidad para quedar en embarazo.
En concreto, un estudio sueco realizado en la Universidad de Lund, y publicado en la revista Human Reproduction demostraba que las mujeres que se someten a un tratamiento para quedar en embarazo como la fecundación in vitro después de haber sido tratadas para la curación de un cáncer, no experimentan una mayor tasa de recaída.
Sobre los datos de un grupo de 24000 mujeres sometidas a este tratamiento de fertilidad analizados desde el año, sólo recayó un 2%, lo que parece demostrar que los fármacos empleados en este proceso no incrementan la posibilidad de que vuelva a desarrollarse algún tipo de cáncer en el pecho, ovarios o útero, tal y como se suponía anteriormente.
En cualquier caso, y aunque la mayoría de los estudios realizados apuntan en esta misma dirección, conviene siempre consultar en primer lugar con un especialista en obstetricia de alto riesgo para que evalúe cada situación en particular.

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Tuesday, 6 December 2016

How to Trade Binary Options - $5000 in 9 minutes – Binary Trading – Binary Options.

How to trade binary options? How to do it profitably? Here are some tips that will take you ahead in binary trading. Binary strategy of course is an important part but there are couple more things that can add to your binary trading on any platform including iqoption.

Find a working binary strategy. There are many of them you can use for binary trading, but you need to test some of them to identify ones that work for you. Stick to it and continue learning it’s inns and outs.

Stick to longer expiry dates in binary options. Of course we want everything here and now, but this is not how to trade binary options. Good thinks happen to those who wait, the same relates to binary options. Binary trading with longer expiry dates cancels the option of listening to market noise. But it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use short binary options expiry dates. With experience and right binary strategy, short expiry time will have great results. Short options are available on iqoption.

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Sunday, 4 December 2016

Bail Bonds Lubbock TX. | (806) 686-3440

Bail Bonds Lubbock TX | (806) 686-3440

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Friday, 2 December 2016

Donate a Google Hosting Sandwich #1.

For Christhmas, donate a google hosting sandwich,as an original gift educational like this video teach. Thanks for watching | Like, Share, Subscribe |#1 Example |

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Insurance of Lawyer is Fake #22.

The Insurance of towers was signed,lawyer can donate a google hosting sandwich,or her degree. Video educational like this teach clear. Thanks for watching | Like, Share, Subscribe |#22 Example |

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Mortgage and Big Data it's no funny #7.

Mortgage and Big Data it's no funny, is better donate a degree for educational video or insurance. Google teach. Thanks for watching | Like, Share, Subscribe |#7 Example |

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Google Girls Claim Loans #11.

When google girls claim loans with adsense, is better donate a credit card for educational video. Thanks for watching | Like, Share, Subscribe |#11 Example |

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Jojo is Free - Full Movie sub english.

Jojo is Free | story of teen girl |l Full length Movie sub english lesbians teen subtitles film pelicula lezmovie girls full movie

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Thursday, 1 December 2016

How to Make Money Online with Binary Trading. - $2000 in 5 minutes [Binary Strategy 2017]

How to Make Money Online with Binary Trading - $2000 in 5 minutes -Binary Strategy 2017
FREE Trading on DEMO Account -

Binary Trading is basically “all-or-nothing” in design. So how to make money online with binary options? You either win or lose. There is no middle ground. Binary means 1 or 2 so in order to know which one to choose you need Binary Strategy 2017.

What this means while binary trading is that instead of the binary options payout fluctuating with the asset price, the payout is a set sum that is either won or lost depending on whether the price of the asset falls during binary trading below or rises above the strike price. The goal of binary strategy 2017 is to teach how to make money online and to correctly bet whether the asset price will end higher or lower than the strike binary options price. If you pick correctly you win the trade and this is how to make money online using binary strategy 2017.

In general, binary trading is the way how to make money online and to trade price movements of many assets with a “One or the Other Choice” using binary strategy 2017.

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Wednesday, 30 November 2016

New Funny PPAP PARODIES. compilation

A new ppap funny compilation of top new parodies | #funny very laughs humor fun ppap parodies | Watch Like Sub Share and Fun !


PIKOTARO - PPAP | Pen Pineapple Apple Pen | Thanks to
TOP 10 PPAP PARODIES | Top 5 PPAP best Parodies |

NEW HOT GIRLS -PPAP Pen Pineapple Apple Pen Parodies
Compilation TOP 10 HOT
Extreme Trends |
Thank you for watching and make sure to subscribe for more top 5, top 10 videos! I hope you enjoyed these top hot ppap pen pineapple apple pen parodies!

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Sunday, 27 November 2016

Grey. - Vegan Thanksgiving Official Music Video

Happy Thanksgiving !

From the family


Grey -Vegan Thanksgiving

We present to you the over night smash hit:
Grey - Vegan Thanksgiving
(Official Music Video)

Happy Thanksvegan Shirts:

Follow us on IG: @heARTofCOOL

Share #heARTofCOOL
to #WIN !

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Monday, 21 November 2016

Make Money Online with Binary Options. - This Alligator Indicator Helped Me Win All Trades

How to make money online with options trading?
Binary options are easy to trade But they’re not easy to make money with. Different information sources have different opinions on this matter. They all want you think that all that is required is to create an account with binary options broker, start trading nad that’s it – you’re rich, you know how to make money online, you buy a new car and you don’t work anymore – only trade binary options. But in reality it is not that easy as it seems. Like in every area of life, you need to have some initial knowledge to get started trading binary options.

Make Money Online with Binary Options

Hopefully you’ll get some watching binary options trades on youtube. But please be aware that just following the rules will not make you an instant millionaire. Here you will learn a lot of tricks and binary options strategies about options trading, but in order to make money online and become a trader you want to be you will need to adapt the ideas that you are about to learn to what you already know. So how to make money online with binary options? As a beginner you need to learn how to read the charts. Charts are your main weapon in winning the binary options wars and make money online. Well, maybe it sounds a bit melodramatic, but if to be serious, charts are essential resource for a serious trader, basically any valid binary options strategy involves reading and analyzing charts.

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What is the best Synthetic urine.?

Link for the article:

What is the Best Synthetic urine? Well i tried a lot, u pass synthetic urine,quick fix,xstream,magnum, urine luck and a few more, but only one worked! Fake pee for drug test definately works! Check out my recommended website for more detailed review of the best synthetic urines.

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Sunday, 20 November 2016

Donación de óvulos.: alternativa contra la infertilidad

Dudas más frecuentes sobre la Donación de óvulos

Si bien la donación de óvulos no es una técnica nueva, y lleva ya un tiempo implantada, las parejas a las que se les sugiere siguen expresando sus dudas. Algunas de las más frecuentes son las siguientes:
¿En qué consiste el tratamiento de donación de óvulos?
Cuando se ha tomado la decisión de llevar a cabo un tratamiento de donación de óvulos, el primer paso que se realiza es escoger una donante, algo en lo que intervienen de manera conjunta la pareja y el equipo médico que la atiende.
A continuación, se sincronizan los periodos menstruales de ambas mujeres mediante la administración de medicamentos. A la donante se le estimulan los ovarios, mientras que en el caso de la madre se prepara su útero para recibir los embriones. El resto del proceso de donación de óvulos no tiene mayores complicaciones.
¿Pueden elegirse las características físicas de la donante?
En la donación de óvulos, las identidades de las donantes son siempre anónimas. Sin embargo, el equipo médico trata en lo posible de que las características físicas de la donante sean lo más similares posibles a las de la madre, puesto que será inevitable que el niño o niña que nazca tenga rasgos de quien hizo la donación de óvulos.
A la pareja se le informa de determinadas características, tales como estatura, color del pelo, de los ojos o de la piel, aspecto físico, o grupo sanguíneo, y es con base en esa información que se toman decisiones.
Por lo tanto, no existe la capacidad de elegir en sí a una donante con determinadas características físicas, pero entre las opciones disponibles, sí que la pareja puede elegir una donante que sea lo más similar posible a la madre.
¿Qué requisitos deben cumplir una donante para efectuar una donación de óvulos?
El perfil ideal de la mujer que ejerce de donante es el de una mujer entre veinte y veinticinco años, que ya ha sido madre al menos en una ocasión. Se prefiere que sea así porque de este modo, la donación de óvulos presenta mayores garantías, puesto que esa mujer ya ha sido capaz de engendrar un hijo previamente, y por tanto se sobreentiende que sus óvulos no presentan ningún problema en ese sentido.
También se comprueba que no tengan enfermedades de carácter hereditario, no sufran sobrepeso, y no padezcan problemas renales, cardiacos o pulmonares.

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Saturday, 19 November 2016

Tecademics Review. | Matching Millions Affiliate Compensation Plan

My Tecademics Review - Get FREE access here: - Check out the outrageous bonuses in Tecademics!

You know what’s interesting about Tecademics? It’s that there are really two parts to Tecademics.

On the one hand, you have the new internet marketing college that you can attend like any regular college or university and they focus on teaching you all aspects of online marketing.
What makes Tecademics unique is their structured learning program called systematic path process SPP which delivers an accelerated learning experience.
The current firehose delivery of information in online marketing is unstructured and leads to information overload and very little success for students of online marketing.
To address this problem, Chris Record teamed up with academics with PhD’s currently structuring University courses as well as bringing on board an experienced management team including Jim Piccolo to create Tecademics – the new internet marketing college which bridges the gap between the education industry and the seminar industry.
To apply for the Tecademics Incubator course you will need to complete a Teckademics application which comes with the Tecademics money back guarantee.
The Tecademics Entrepreneur Club, Tecademics Impact and
Tecademics Tec Week products do not require the same Tecademics application but does require that you join Teckademics and sign up to Tecademics using the link above. The Teckademics sign up is free. The Impact Series is known as the 'Encyclopedia of Internet Marketing'.

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Wednesday, 16 November 2016

SEO Tips. by Pro Phoenix SEO Agency

Learn the Unexpected Marketing Benefits Of Strategic Marketing And SEO Today at

If looking to represent your business, digital marketing and SEO could be the most efficient way to do that. Your brand is really the sum total of your logo, other symbols and images, and the words and messages you use to create your company's public presence. Your brand is really about you, and is not intended to say anything about your rivals. Your prospects will see you as the only one that provides a solution to their problem if you do this correctly.

Strategic marketing and seo might only succeed when you have a full understanding of your customers' wants, needs and desires. Do this by implementing brand techniques throughout your organization at every point where you interact with the public. When you have successfully created your brand, it will probably be immediately recognizable by members of your target audience, and will affect them both emotionally and intellectually. It's a mix of their total experiences and perceptions, some of them you have influence over, some of them you do not.

Pro Phoenix SEO Agency

Since the fight to get and retain customers goes on daily, a strong brand is invaluable. Research is important when it involves your brand, as you'll want to be recognizable as you build. This is important since your brand is your promise to the customer. Because it is a foundational piece in your advertising correspondence, you won't have any desire to be without it.

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Monday, 7 November 2016

Dinosaurs Vs Animals Fight. | Dinosaurs Movie For Children | Dinosaurs Cartoon For Children

Watch Dinosaurs Vs Animals Fight | Dinosaurs Movie For Children | Dinosaurs Cartoon For Children

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Dinosaurs Vs Animals Fight | Dinosaurs Movie For Children | Dinosaurs Cartoon For Children

Watch Dinosaurs Vs Animals Fight | Dinosaurs Movie For Children | Dinosaurs Cartoon For Children

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Friday, 4 November 2016

Tai Lopez - 3 Ways To Move Up The Pyramid Of Wealth

You can check out the 67 Steps by clicking here:

Tai Lopez Pyramid of Wealth Training Video on the 3 Things That His Mentors Taught Him.

This is a video of everything Tai Lopez wished they taught him in school. Throughout his many years of different millionaire mentors, courses and books all led to the creation of the 67 Steps program. Over 100,000 people world wide have purchased the 67 Steps and thousands have changed their lives in all the pillars of the good life; Health, Wealth, Love & Happiness.

Tai Lopez's Backstory:

Tai Lopez went from $47 in his bank account and living on his mother's couch in North Carolina to buying a Lamborghini and living in a mansion in Beverly Hills.

He has traveled to over 30 countries, built million dollar business, and interviewed some of the brightest minds alive. Also owns the biggest online non-fiction book club in the world and my TEDx talk has over 5 million views.

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Thursday, 3 November 2016

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Affordable SEO - Cheap SEO Servcies on Source Market

Rank Your website on Google Cheap - Check out my profile on Source Market. I have powerful effective services. My prices are cheap and I have many happy customers and positive reviews.

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Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Tai Lopez. - 3 Ways To Move Up The Pyramid Of Wealth

Tai Lopez Pyramid of Wealth Training Video on the 3 Things That His Mentors Taught Him.

This is a video of everything Tai Lopez wished they taught him in school. Throughout his many years of different millionaire mentors, courses and books all led to the creation of the 67 Steps program. Over 100,000 people world wide have purchased the 67 Steps and thousands have changed their lives in all the pillars of the good life; Health, Wealth, Love & Happiness.

The 67 Steps Program:

Tai Lopez's Backstory:

Tai Lopez went from $47 in his bank account and living on his mother's couch in North Carolina to buying a Lamborghini and living in a mansion in Beverly Hills.

He has traveled to over 30 countries, built million dollar business, and interviewed some of the brightest minds alive. Also owns the biggest online non-fiction book club in the world and my TEDx talk has over 5 million views.

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Sunday, 23 October 2016

Tai Lopez. - 3 Ways To Move Up The Pyramid Of Wealth

You can check out the 67 Steps by clicking here:

Tai Lopez Pyramid of Wealth Training Video on the 3 Things That His Mentors Taught Him.

This is a video of everything Tai Lopez wished they taught him in school. Throughout his many years of different millionaire mentors, courses and books all led to the creation of the 67 Steps program. Over 100,000 people world wide have purchased the 67 Steps and thousands have changed their lives in all the pillars of the good life; Health, Wealth, Love & Happiness.

The 67 Steps Program:

Tai Lopez's Backstory:

Tai Lopez went from $47 in his bank account and living on his mother's couch in North Carolina to buying a Lamborghini and living in a mansion in Beverly Hills.

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Professional Beauty Salon Online In Skokie, IL. Skokie, IL Beauty & Skin Care Salon

Professional beauty salon online in Skokie, IL. Skokie, IL beauty and skin care salon. From facials, tinting, microdermabrasion, waxing and much more. Best beauty salon and skin care specialist in Skokie, IL. Come and visit us today at

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Potty training. video for toddlers to watch - Potty Training Songs / toilet trainign DVD

Potty training video for toddlers to watch
This song is part of the App:

DO The Potty Dance,
DO DO The Potty Dance.
If you can feel it then it's time,
Go to your potty put your pants down.

Sit over and wait.
Wait Wait Wait.
Until you poo or pee,
or both and
then you've got to wipe it away,
with toilet paper,
and celebrate as you flush it away.

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Benefits of PADI Instructor Development Course

• You’ll benefit directly from the real-world diving industry experience of our PADI Course Director Holly Macleod. She has over a decade of experience as a PADI Instructor Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, The Philippines and The Caribbean. Her background means that she has experienced many of the situations an Instructor can expect to meet. She will show you how to apply what you learn and how to successfully handle the challenges instructors face every day.
• You’ll become highly employable, worldwide. Dive centres seek instructors who know how to balance the needs of guests, colleagues and management, and who can deliver high-quality courses, sell and promote diving. Holly will help you to develop and apply the skills that make you more attractive to employers.
• You’ll gain teaching experience, by shadowing one of our staff teaching a PADI course. You see for yourself the practicalities of running a course, and make a smooth transition to teaching students of your own.
• You’ll benefit from Trawangan Dive IDC Staff instructors who will assist, advise and support you. They are ready to share with you their experiences of working in diving, and the challenges and rewards of being an instructor.
• You’ll enjoy the same high level of professionalism, high-quality facilities and friendly atmosphere that we offer to everyone diving with us.

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Saturday, 22 October 2016

Project AWARE - PADI IDC Gili Islands, Indonesia.

The program offers the very best of training facilities at Trawangan Dive; the first ever awarded PADI 5 Star IDC Career Development Center (CDC) in the Gili Islands and today remains the only dive center in Gili Trawangan to be awarded the prestigious status. Candidates can expect the very highest standard of professional training facilities combined with the expert training of one of the best PADI Course Directors available. The course is entirely conducted by Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod who has won multiple awards for her commitment to the industry and for the Instructor training program she has designed.
All of the latest news and updates for the program can be found on the Gili IDC Indonesia Facebook Fan Page including photos of past and present candidates. The PADI IDC Indonesia Portfolio can be found on YouTube showing a photo album of previous candidates from 2015. It’s also worthwhile checking out the PADI IDC Indonesia Reviews on TripAdvisor to gain a firsthand insight to the course.

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PADI 5 Star IDC CDC Center in the Gili Islands.

During the pre IDC preparation program candidates will review the dive knowledge and skills learnt during their Divemaster Course. The PADI IDC Indonesia team will spend time with each candidate assisting them in refreshing their demonstration level skill circuits, rescue practice and the all-important dive theory study sessions. We also take the time to work with each candidate to understand any changes to the PADI curriculum or training programs that may have been updated since their DM training.

The PADI Instructor Development Course is split between theory and practical sessions. We train candidates in the standards, organization and conduct of each individual PADI program and then run practical workshops where candidates will practice running their own courses and skill development sessions with their own students. Candidates receive immediate feedback at all levels with the aim of helping them to improve their teaching style and skills and become the best PADI Instructors possible.

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Proform Hybrid Trainer vs Hybrid Trainer Pro - 2016 Model Comparison

Free Shipping on the Hybrid Trainer at:

Proform Hybrid Trainer vs Hybrid Trainer Pro - A Comparison of the 2016 Models

The Proform Hybrid Trainer is a 2 - in - 1 fitness machine that works as both an elliptical and as a bike. So you get 2 machines for the price of 1.

Proform Hybrid Trainer Review

And coming in under $600 it also saves you hundreds of dollars on exercise equipment. Proform currently makes 2 different trainer models for 2016 - the Hybrid Trainer and the Hybrid Trainer PRO.

How are they different? And which one is the best choice for you?

This video will go over the main areas they differ including stride length, price, seat, warranty, footpedals and more.

Depending on how much you plan to use it and how tall you are, you'll definitely want one model over the other.

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Friday, 21 October 2016

PADI Instructor Development Course | 100% Pass Rate for 2014 | PADI IDC Gili Island.

The IDC Gili Islands would like to welcome 8 new PADI Instructor Candidates to Trawangan Dive to complete their PADI Instructor Development Course with Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod.
2014 saw many scuba diving professionals choosing the PADI IDC Indonesia to secure a guaranteed pass on their scuba diving instructor training course and gaining a highly rewarding and successful career within the industry.
We would like to wish Karima, Daniel, Becky, Marco, Amanda, Josh, Jari and Jürgen all the best for their up and coming PADI Examination and in their future careers as PADI Scuba Instructors.
Of course they chose Trawangan Dive for a variety of reasons including the undisputed reputation of our renowned PADI Course Director Holly Macleod and the fact that our training facility is one of the most established Dive Centers in the PADI Gili Islands and of we are the longest established PADI 5 Star Career Development Center in Lombok and the Gili Islands.

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Thursday, 20 October 2016

Nordictrack Freestrider Review - What To Know Before You Buy: Freestride Elliptical Trainer

Save $1000 Off The Nordictrack Freestrider Direct From the Manufacturer:

Nordictrack Freestrider Review - Is It Right For You?

Thinking about the Nordictrack Freestrider Trainer? What is it exactly and how does it work?

The Freestride trainer is a new twist on a traditional elliptical with some amazing benefits.

This video will explain what you get with the Nordictrack Freestrider Trainer FS7i Review, the difference between models and more.

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5 Star IDC Career Development Center PADI IDC Indonesia, Gili Islands 2015.
5 Star IDC Career Development Center PADI IDC Indonesia, Gili Islands 2015.

Looking to become a PADI Scuba Diving Instructor? Check out our PADI IDC Gili Islands Program! Our Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod can prepare you for a rewarding and successful career as a PADI Scuba Instructor.

Holly is from the UK and has been working as a dive instructor for well over a decade, and has enjoyed some truly amazing experiences, working in some incredible places alongside some truly great people from a variety of cultures and backgrounds, have had a huge amount of fun and seen things that others only dream of! During her career she has worked as an Instructor for several busy dive shops in The Caribbean, Thailand, Malaysia, The Philippines, Australia and Indonesia.

Experiencing working in different diving roles including positions on liveaboard expeditions in the Coral Sea, within dive resorts and have also managed a variety of PADI dive shops, ranging from the small islands of Malaysia to the concrete jungle of Sydney’s Bondi Beach. Holly has enjoyed fantastic diving over her career and worked with some incredibly inspiring people. She is now a Platinum PADI Course Director and lives and works on Gili Trawangan in Lombok running monthly IDC programs at Trawangan Dive as well as the full range of professional level continuing education programs.

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Wednesday, 19 October 2016

PADI IDC Gili Islands 2013 - in Gili Trawangan – Indonesia.

Once the course has finished graduates will have the option of gaining teaching experience, by shadowing one of our seasoned PADI Instructors allowing you to see courses running fist hand and making a smooth transition to teaching students of your own.
Candidates will benefit from their Platinum PADI Course Director and staff instructors always willing to advise and support candidates whilst sharing their personal experiences within the diving industry.

Prospective PADI IDC Indonesia candidates will receive the highest level of professionalism, high-quality facilities and friendly atmosphere that is offered to everyone diving at Trawangan Dive.
2013 saw some fantastic people and some excellent dive professionals choosing the PADI IDC Indonesia in the Gili Islands to gain a rewarding and successful career within the diving industry. The program is conducted to an extremely high educational standard and offers the very best or professional training facilities available.

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Tuesday, 18 October 2016

TNG Services. - London Shopfitters

TNG Services-London Shopfitters working in this industry for over ten years, for more information,

Based in London and Hertfordshire, we are offering shopfitting services to local shop owners. We provide a comprehensive range of unique shopfront services. Light weight aluminum, timber, and toughened glass frontages are our specialty.

We additionally supply and install an extensive range of fully electrical doors and for your protection, we also offer a large variety of safety and security shutters.

Some of our expertises:
- Technical preparation and design for your shopfront
- Local authority planning expertise
- Experienced project management
- Technically trained, friendly staff
- In-house teams
- Industry knowledge for far better planning and style
- Unrivaled after sales service
- Unique 24/7 365 day assistance
- Many of satisfied customers
- 90% of our business is from recommendations

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TNG home improvement services

TNG home improvement services company based in London and Hertfordshire. Our goal is to provide you a hassle free, professional service for your simple or more complicated indoor and outdoor maintenance requirements.

Whatever your needs - whether it's a small repair job, routine garden cleaned up or a bigger project you have in mind, TNG Services are here to help you!

TNG Services objective is to provide an all rounded home and garden maintenance, repair and other home improvement services so you can relax and let us take care of the job.

Our company covers comprehensive range of services, just a few to mention:

Interior services:
- General repair works and maintenance
- Walls and flooring tiling
- Laminate flooring
- Home furnishings
- Electrical services
- Loft conversion

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Monday, 17 October 2016

Florida SEO Expert Services.

Unique Ideas To Grow And Maintain An Effective Search Engine Marketing Business. Contact Us At Or Call Us At (941) 209-1203.

A strong Florida Search Engine Marketing Business strategy is a necessary foundation of any profitable Florida Search Engine Marketing Business. Having no course of action will likely lead to all of your efforts to make a thriving Search Engine Marketing Business fail terribly. In order to help you get started on developing your Search Engine Marketing Business, continue reading the info below.

Commercial websites should always have a professional look. If you lack the needed design skills to create an amazing website, do not hesitate to bring a professional designer on board. Your website will be more appealing, and by default, more successful, when you pay attention to aesthetic details like picking the proper images and using pleasing templates. An active and strong web presence is significant for any Florida SEO Search Engine Marketing Business to be successful in today's online oriented Search Engine Marketing Business world.

Florida SEO Expert Services . Great SEO and Website Design.

If you want your Florida SEO Search Engine Marketing Business to profit, you need to be certain that your goods and services are excellent. When customers can't get what you offer anywhere else, you'll see a big spike in your sales and growth. The best way to get referrals from customers is to focus on giving great customer service. You're bound to garner success by striving consistently to be at the top of your industry.

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Publicado el 14 oct. 2016

Endometriosis y otros temas de fertilidad en

Endometriosis: síntomas, causas y tratamiento

La endometriosis es una enfermedad que afecta a mujeres en su etapa reproductiva y que consiste en un incorrecto desarrollo del endometrio que provoca que las células endometriales tengan presencia fuera de la cavidad endometrial.

Esas células, en lugar de permanecer en el útero o salir con la sangre menstrual, vuelven a través de las trompas y se dirigen a la pelvis.

Su presencia allí es interpretada por el cuerpo como un cuerpo extraño, y al no lograr eliminarlas, se activa un proceso inflamatorio. Mientras que en algunos casos se producen síntomas, en la mayoría de los casos la endometriosis permanece asintomática.

Endometriósis: síntomas

La infertilidad y el dolor son los principales síntomas de la existencia de Endometriosis. El dolor se centra en la zona pélvica y se produce durante o inmediatamente antes de la menstruación, disminuyendo su intensidad al terminar ésta. También puede aparecer dolor durante las relaciones sexuales o al orinar.

La adherencia de tejidos u órganos que alteren las estructuras normales puede afectar al proceso reproductivo, así como la producción de hormonas como resultado de esta enfermedad que tengan un efecto negativo sobre la ovulación.

Endometriosis: causas

Las causas que provocan la endometriosis son una incógnita a día de hoy, si bien existen diversas teorías al respecto.

Se apunta como posible causa, que parte de la sangre menstrual que discurre por las trompas de Falopio, llegue al abdomen en lugar de ser expulsada. Esta posibilidad no explica, sin embargo, porque hay mujeres a quien les sucede esto y no desarrollan endometriosis.

Otra teoría refiere que la causa puede deberse a un problema de inmunodeficiencia. Las defensas encargadas de combatir microbios, bacterias y células de origen anormal en el abdomen podrían ser ineficaces, de manera que dejaran paso a las células endometriales en lugar de combatirlas.

Tampoco se descarta que la endometriosis pueda estar relacionada con factores hereditarios, ya que se han dado casos en los que madres e hijas han sufrido idéntica enfermedad.

Cómo tratar la endometriosis

El tratamiento será distinto en función del enfoque que plantea la paciente. Si la endometriosis está generando una sintomatología dolorosa, el tratamiento debe centrarse en solucionar este aspecto. Cuando no existe un problema de dolor, el enfoque del tratamiento debe realizarse desde la perspectiva de la conservación y preservación de los órganos pélvicos para poder salvaguardar la fertilidad.

Preguntas en este video de endometriosis

0:45 ¿Qué es la endometriosis?
2:25 ¿Hay características en las mujeres para que la endometriosis afecte más a unas que a otras?
4:02 Afecta la endometriosis de la misma manera a todas las pacientes?
5:43 ¿Cómo se debe tratar la endometriosis?
8:38 ¿Cómo saber si alguien sufre de endometriosis, a pesar de no sentir dolor?
10:26 ¿Dónde consultar para tratar la endometriosis?

Suscríbete a todas las noticias de fertilidad aquí:
Suscríbete a nuestro canal aquí:
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Reserva una cita con nuestros especialistas en

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Tuesday, 11 October 2016

New Songs. 2016 | Kangna | Mavi Singh & Dr Zeus | SMI Audio | New Punjabi Songs 2016 Latest

New Punjabi Songs 2016 | Kangna | Mavi Singh feat Dr Zeus | Audio Song | Punjabi Songs 2016 Latest

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The Tavares-Luera Team. | Homes for sale in Tucson AZ

Call The Tavares-Luera Team (520) 314-3773 or visit their site: for the latest homes for sale in the Tucson area.

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Most people buy Tucson residential property at least once in their lives. To avoid getting ripped off, learn the rules of the road prior to you purchase property. Prior to you start, do some research on the buying process to prepare yourself. To avoid scams and to assist you get an excellent deal when purchasing Tucson property, adhere to the following strategies.

For three to six months before investing in your next Tucson residential property, don't transfer your money from one institution or another or buy any expensive items. You'd prefer never to take any huge risks with your credit profile. In order to get you a great loan, moneylenders will want a complete paper trail so that they can see that you're reliable. In the event that you open new credit cards, have an excess of debt or have bought a ton of first-class things can prompt intense incline endorsements.

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Friday, 7 October 2016

New Punjabi Songs. 2016 ● PYT-Pretty Young Thing ● Mickey B ft. Saloni ● Latest Punjabi Songs 2016

Presenting Mickey B's latest Punjabi song P.Y.T. - Pretty Young Thing ft. Saloni Khanna. Written by MellowD and MickeyB, this song stands out from all the new Punjabi songs 2016 for its urban and mellow beat… Watch this romantic Punjabi song and share it with your friends and enjoy.

Latest Punjabi Songs 2016

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Not all contractual employees are honest and direct when citing costs, so make certain to get a firm gauge in writing prior to employing the one you have chosen. While most contractual employees claim to be equipped for taking care of your undertaking, not all speak the truth about it. Hiring a suitable asphalt repair contractor will have a significant impact on the result of a project. Observe the following practical suggestions provided by our specialists if you need assistance locating the perfect contractor.

A reasonable asphalt repair contractor does their best to make your project a success. They complete the project within the given timeline and do the best work they can. To assist your contractor stick to your timetable, curb any urge you need to interrupt his work. Discover how the contractual worker arrangements to take care of any obligation issues.

Make your service provider conscious of any pets you have so arrangements can be made in advance to address the issue. The service provider can determine if your pet animal will interfere with his work, and when so, request that it be relocated while the job is in progress. Pets can pose a danger not only to themselves but to the workers on site.

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Yoga Burn Reviews, does it really work?

Yoga Burn Review

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Yoga Burn Zoe bray cotton DVD Reviews Pros and Cons

Pros#1. Unique Yoga Burn Program Designed for Women
It is extremely difficult to find a similar program that stays true to traditional yoga positions while also incorporating movements that are effective at helping women lose weight and burn fat and calories.
While many other courses on the market combine yoga and harsher cardio exercises in one workout,
Her Yoga Secrets never breaks away from relaxing yoga, but Zoe Bray-Cotton mixes
fat-burning exercises effortlessly into the flow of the yoga routine.

Pros#2. YogaBurn Suits Women Of All Fitness Levels
This is one of the great things about the Yoga Burn system. Zoe arranged the poses
from the very basic to the most complicated to make sure you avoid painful or even dangerous injuries.
The sequences change as you grow to avoid workout plateaus. And if you feel
it’s too easy or difficult, the videos will show you the different ways you can
tweak each movement to suit your current fitness level.

Cons#1. YogaBurn require Consistent Efforts
Working out is not always easy. There are times you feel lazy
or giving up because you don’t see significant results fast. It’s important to
find ways that can help you stay motivated, like tracking your progress and giving yourself small rewards.

Cons#2. YogaBurn Directed towards beginners
While Yoga Burn remains interesting and is fast-paced while maintaining familiarity,
it is still definitely directed toward beginners for two phase,
but if you make to the third phase it becomes incredibly tough.

Yoga Burn Pros and Cons

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Thursday, 6 October 2016

Test Yourself - Project AWARE - PADI IDC Gili Islands - Trawangan Dive, Indonesia

The PADI IDC Indonesia at Trawangan Dive ; the only PADI Career Development Center in Gili Trawangan is fully conducted by Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod and now incorporates a fun Project AWARE presentation allowing IDC candidates to not only learn a bit more about the foundation, but also spread awareness to their divers.

As well as Project AWARE we also run a full range of reef restoration programs and are working closely with the Biorock Indonesia to help regenerate coral.

The PADI IDC Gili Islands program runs every month at Trawangan Dive and offers new instructors a wealth of knowledge to create a rewarding and successful career as a Scuba Diving Instructor. The program runs for 11 days with an additional 4 days of pre IDC preparation before the course starts.

All instructor level programs are fully conducted by Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod who has years of experience within the industry; having worked in such places as Australia, The Caribbean Thailand, Malaysia, The Philippines, Papua New Guinea and of course now Indonesia. She will guide you every step of the way through the program and will accompany you to your PADI Examination. Having worked in such a variety of countries and in a range of scuba related roles she will be able to advise you or up and coming jobs as well advising you of what to expect from certain roles and of course of certain locations.

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PADI 5 Star IDC CDC Center in the Gili Islands, Indonesia

Trawangan Dive offers first class facilities in which to take the PADI IDC Gili Islands IDC with Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod at the only PADI Career Development Center on Gili Trawangan.

Trawangan Dive is the first PADI 5 Star Career Development Center in the Gili Islands and is the leading professional instructor training center in the region. The Career Development Center status is only given to dive centers with the highest rated facilities for Instructor training and a proven track record in training dive professionals as well as the ability to offer post IDC career support and job placement.

Platinum status is awarded to PADI Course Directors who regularly train successful IDC candidates through to Open Water Scuba instructor status and beyond. It is the highest rating achievable within the PADI professional ratings system and any candidate looking to complete their IDC with an experienced and recognized Course Director should look for this rating.

The Instructor training program is based on an 11 day schedule plus 5 days of pre IDC preparation training designed to ensure that our candidates make the best possible transition onto the PADI IDC Indonesia Program. Trawangan Dive has 2 training pools, a dedicated IDC classroom with the most up to date materials and 3 dive boats. The program has been developed over the years and is designed for candidates to get the best possible start within the industry and is constantly evolving to improve training schedules to give each individual candidate the time and support to work on the areas of training that they need most.

During the pre IDC preparation program candidates will review the dive knowledge and skills learnt during their Divemaster Course. The PADI IDC Indonesia team will spend time with each candidate assisting them in refreshing their demonstration level skill circuits, rescue practice and the all-important dive theory study sessions. We also take the time to work with each candidate to understand any changes to the PADI curriculum or training programs that may have been updated since their DM training.

The PADI 5 Star Instructor Development Course is split between theory and practical sessions. We train candidates in the standards, organization and conduct of each individual PADI program and then run practical workshops where candidates will practice running their own courses and skill development sessions with their own students. Candidates receive immediate feedback at all levels with the aim of helping them to improve their teaching style and skills and become the best PADI Instructors possible.

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