Monday, 31 December 2018

Saturday, 29 December 2018

Déménagement Genève

Déménagement Genève - CARBONIE - 022 518 76 82

Savez-vous que d'après notre recherche, il ya environs 123 entreprises de déménagement à Genève et choisir la bonne entreprise n'est pas toujours une chose aisée.
Pour vous aider un peu dans le choix de la bonne entreprise de déménagement à Genève, voici quelques conseils à prendre en considération dans votre recherche: - Demandez ce que l'entreprise offre comme services autres que le transport (l'emballage et le déballage, le démontage et le remontage des meubles, le nettoyage de fin de bail, un espace de garde-meubles…etc.).
- Est-ce que l'entreprise est officiellement enregistrée et est-ce que ses déménageurs sont professionnels. - Est-ce qu'ils répondent d'une manière rapide à toutes vos questions. - Vérifiez sa réputation et les avis de ses anciens clients sur leur site internet et sur les réseaux sociaux.
Demenagement Geneve

Thursday, 27 December 2018

Why pay MORE for your custom food truck when you can pay LESS with ELHAJ?

At ELHAJ Food Trucks we deliver you the highest quality customized food trucks at the lowest possible prices.

How do we do this, you ask? Our business model is simple.

We source our trucks directly from independent agencies of the United States federal government, so that means quality trucks - from quality sources.

Then, we customize these trucks with special upgrades such as concession windows, fire retardant insulation, and appliances, that make them suitable for a mobile restaurant.

Because regulatory requirements differ from place to place, we have created inspection criteria checklists for every city and state, to ensure our food trucks are up to code in every market.

We cut out the middle man by customizing our food trucks in-house. That means MORE working capital for you, for things like wrapping the truck, purchasing restaurant supplies, marketing, and hiring employees.

Starting a food truck business can be scary. And its hard to discern the good food truck companies from bad ones.

Navigating all the requirements, permits, and forms and avoiding all the online scams are just a few of the obstacles an aspiring food truck owner might encounter.

At Elhaj, we understand your struggles, and we're here to help you every step of the way.

Our trained staff consists of experts from all walks of life. 
Our management team specializes in food truck design, restaurant marketing, and corporate strategy, to name a few.

Your success is our success at Elhaj Custom Food Trucks.

This is your dream. And we understand that. We'll take great care to ensure your dream becomes a reality. 

Youre in good hands with Elhaj. 

Ready to take the next step? Give us a call at 571-208-1339 or email us at

Request a quote by visiting our website at 

How can a Medical professionals be safe from Medical Malpractice penalties.

Medical professionals may obtain professional liability insurances to offset the costs of lawsuits based on medical malpractice. Further establishment of conditions of intention or malice may be applied where applicable.

Professional liability insurance, also called professional indemnity insurance but more commonly known as errors & omissions (E&O) in the US. Now this is a form of liability insurance which helps protect professional advice- and service-providing individuals and companies from bearing the full cost of defending against a negligence claim made by a client, and damages awarded in such a civil lawsuit. The coverage focuses on alleged failure to perform on the part of, financial loss caused by, and error or omission in the service or product sold by the policyholder. These are causes for legal action that would not be covered by a more general liability insurance policy which addresses more direct forms of harm. Professional liability insurance may take on different forms and names depending on the profession, especially medical and legal, and is sometimes required under contract by other businesses that are the beneficiaries of the advice or service.

Wednesday, 26 December 2018

The Difficulty of "Causation" in filing a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

The medical body consists of interdependent systems, "causation" is a seriously complicated issue if we are talking about medical negligence. The medical personnel or authorities involved might argue that their procedure and or treatment was not the cause of the injury but that it was instead the ill affect of a medical condition the patient was going through.

IF a patient wants to claim for medical malpractice for any medical negligence, in that case he or she has to prove main three points. First one is that the medical professionals had a duty and full responsibilty to provide a certain rules and regulations and  standard of care, which was not folloed and which lead to injury etc. And the second thing is that the patient suffered an injury be it physical, mental or othersie and the third and final thing to prove is that the injury was actually caused and was the result of the alleged medical negligence or carelessness.

Know do you know that "standard of care" varies from state to state. Some laws restrict the medical standard to be followed be the physicians in the same area of the country, while others states may extend the medical standard to doctors on a countrywide level. lets says for an example, a brain surgeon will be held to certain standard of other surgeons in the same field. If he or she acted in a way that differs from the way most brain surgeons would have acted in similar circumstances, that surgeon may be found to have been medically negligent.

It is not only the Physical injury but Psychologists and psychiatrists can also be sued for medical negligence, although these types of cases are much more difficult to prove because not only are the injuries non-physical, but causation is particularly complex.

In any type of case, the attorneys assigned by the physicians' malpractice insurance company will likely try to argue that the injury was not caused by medical negligence.

Thursday, 20 December 2018

TheBanterDad Intro

TheBanterDad Intro : Fortnite Journey Begins #1

Fortnite Gamer
TheBanterDad's Intro!
My fornite journey
My Journey and Resurrection to Gaming begins
my fortnite gaming channel

Sunday, 16 December 2018

Kalkicoin new crypto coin

Kalkicoin new crypto coin. update of crypto world

Kalkicoin ( is a cryptocurrency project that mainly focuses to bridge the gap between customers and merchants by offering a decentralized payment option. Not only does this offer a convenient way to pay at any merchant but the coin also offers great stability when it comes to its value.

Kalkicoin provides the merchant with a POS feature. Any merchant who has signed up for the Kalkicoin platform cannot only accept BTC, ETH, LTC, and KLC but can also accept traditional fiat currencies.
Kalkicoin also works on its own blockchain and it has its own Debit Card. On the website there is minning system software where you can download to start mining KLC Coin.
After the card distribution price will be stable and magic stabilization will start.
Kalkicoin new crypto coin

Saturday, 15 December 2018

Did You See That? Trailer

Horror sci-fi movie Powerman MC
Did You See That? Movie on Vimeo.
Did You See That? Trailer

Friday, 7 December 2018

Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

Abu Dhabi Grand Prix | Driver Experience Crash

What a lot of people don't know is that you can actually have your own formula one experience on the same track as the
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
is held, also know as Yas Marina Circuit - F1 | Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
For just a couple hundred dollars you can get the feeling over being a real Abu Dhabi Grand Prix driver for 10 laps, the instructors onsite are unbelievably helpful when it comes to track safety & correct driving methods so you get the most out of your Formula one experience.
First, you start off with a few laps around the Yas Marina Circuit - F1 | Abu Dhabi Grand Prix in a manual car so you can get the feel of the track and the corners, once that's done its time to suit up and jump into your F1 car, (Formula Yas 3000)

Digital Entrepreneurship

Digital Entrepreneurship | Travel The World While Still Making An Income

Why are millennials all over the globe falling in love with
Digital Entrepreneurship
? ❤️ Me being one of em.
Because it's allowing us to break free from what society deems as "normal"
To be able to travel & live life on our own terms while still living comfortably.
That's something that's never been possible before.
As kids growing up we were told by our parents to get a job, work hard, buy a house, pay the bills.
I tried never sat well with me.🤨 I was tired of dragging myself outta bed every morning doing the same thing for 10+ hours a day, day after day.
I was never able to "get ahead" or save for "rainy days," never ever had any spare time to do things I really wanted to, like traveling.
Travel The World While Still Making An Income

Free V Bucks

Free V Bucks $ How To Get Free V Bucks In Fortnite $ Free Vbucks Generator [No Human Verification]

! Free Vbucks No Human Verification | Free V Bucks Generator | free vbucks Fortnite, $$ For More Information & Fortnite Videos Please Subscribe! Help Me Reach 100K Subs.
In this video I am showing you How To Get FREE V BUCKS In Fortnite: Battle Royale! This is NOT a Free V Bucks Glitch, Generator, Hack or Cheat. This is The Only Working Way To Get Free V Bucks In Fortnite! This Free V-Bucks Method, Tip & Trick works in 2018 and will in 2019 also on the PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch & Mobile Devices [IOS + Android] For Season 5. Enjoy this Get Free V Bucks Video!
Thanks For Watching My Video On Fortnite Battle Royale If You Need More Tips & Tricks On Fortnite Please Let Me Know By Placing A Comment.

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Stand Up

Stand Up ... the 7th Generation is now!

Stand Up ... the 7th Generation is now! This youtube is among the best activist videos.
#Win4News Activism helps help promote social, political, economic and environmental improvements.
7th Generation originated w Aboriginal First Nation Iroquois – Great Law of the Iroquois – which holds appropriate to think 7 generations ahead (about 140 years into the future).
@DanielRoyBaron on most social media is a 2020 counter-culture dissident USA Presidential candidate.
Our programs will include such things as universal healthcare, good quality single payor healthcare for all, a Federal guaranteed jobs program, helping to stop climate pollution, rebuilding our D+ infrastructure to be an A and much more.

Monday, 3 December 2018

Build An Ecommerce Site from Scratch

Build An Ecommerce Site from Scratch | Shopify Tutorial For Beginners | Create An Online Store

Hello Future eCommerce Pros!
Are you looking for the best tutorial for building up an Ecommerce store? Here's the exclusive one! In This Video, I Take You Through The Process From Start To Finish Building A Shopify Store In 2018 For
Only $15 & 30 Minutes. ! This Course Is For Beginners, and No Previous Experienced Is Required!
Nothing to pitch or sell. Hope you enjoy!!
Build An Ecommerce Site from Scratch

Sunday, 2 December 2018

The Ultimate Family Boat

The Ultimate Family Boat | Features of 2019 Jungle Float Sport

Introducing a few of the features of the exciting new 2019 Jungle Float Sport: the world's first trampoline pontoon equipped with a roomy upper deck, powerful waterslide and space for your extended, family and friends for active fun on the water.
The Ultimate Family Boat